Caring for your Shitzhu puppies...

I used to have these puppies (half shitzhu and half maltese). But they are actually living their separate lives now and maybe they are happy with their new found home.

Here are some tips on how to handle newborn puppies...

1. Love and affection. Puppies need love and affection when they are growing up. Just like babies, you need to be there with them. Shitzhu become depressed when they are being left for long periods of time. So if you are in work or school be sure that someone would take care of them or better yet leave them with large stuff toys (without of course the plastic eyes and buttons because they might choke on it.)

2. Give them something to chew. If they are on the teething stage, give them something to chew. A lot of petshop and supermarket are now offering these. Shitzhu loves to chew specially
those wooden furnitures, rubber slippers, shoes or anything that they can hold on. Puppies do start to get their teeth at 4 weeks of age. Canned puppy food or softened dry puppy food is perfectly fine for 1 month old dogs to start with.

3. Drink Milk. Shitzhu puppies should drink milk. If their mother is not producing enough milk, try to check your local petshop for milk. Nowadays, there are a lot of brands to choose from. Please don't try to give them the regular milk we are drinking. It can cause stomach upset and diarrhea to them.

4. Visit the veterinarian. Shitzhu should be checked by vets to ensure that they are in good health.

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